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Connect with us at the Pediatric Urology Fall Congress, September 21-24 in Houston, Texas. Our faculty and fellows will be lecturing and presenting research abstracts on a number of important topics in pediatric urology.
Below is a listing of our faculty participation at this year’s event. We hope to see our friends and colleagues at this year’s conference and invite you to get in touch with us at the event.
Full details of the lecture days/times are available on the conference website program.
Panel Discussion and Lectures
Surgical Coding in Pediatric Urology: What Works, What Doesn’t, and how do We Make it Better?
Panelist: Glenn M. Cannon, MD
What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then: Hard-Earned Lessons and Honest Pearls of Wisdom
Panelist:Michael Ost, MD
19. Characterization of Entrance Skin Dose during Abdominal Radiographs for Pediatric Urology Patients
Christopher John Staniorski, MD, Alyssa Paul, BS2, Rajeev Chaudhry, MD.
46. Prior DVIU Is Not A Poor Prognostic Factor For Urethroplasty Success In Pediatric Patients
Michael Pintauro, MD, Avinash Maganty, MD, Valentina Grajales, MD, Paul Rusilko, DO, Rajeev Chaudhry, MD, Omar Ayyash, MD
Michael Pintauro, MD, Avinash Maganty, MD, Valentina Grajales, MD, Paul Rusilko, DO, Rajeev Chaudhry, MD, Omar Ayyash, MD.
Brian Chun, MD, Omar Ayyash, MD MPH, Michael C. Ost, MD MBA, Francis X. Schneck, MD, Rajeev Chaudhry, MD, Glenn M. Cannon, MD.
*Note: Division faculty names are bolded.