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Physicians and researchers will join colleagues from around the world at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting in Baltimore April 26 through May 1 to discuss the improvement of health and well-being of children worldwide as well as the latest research in pediatric medicine in presentations, poster sessions, and plenary sessions.
In addition to the posters, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh was selected to host a workshop at PAS, “Driving Outcomes Improvement in Clinical Quality & Patient Care Operations Using Clinical Effectiveness Data: A Blueprint.” The workshop will be led by Andrew Buchert, MD; Gabriella Butler; and Srinivasan Suresh, MD, MBA, FAAP, on Sunday, April 28, from 8 to 10 a.m. in Room 336 at the Convention Center.
The poster sessions for UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh at PAS 2019 include the following:
Saturday, April 27
Sriram Ramgopal, MD
Session Title: Epidemiology: Social and Behavioral Contexts
Title: Utilization of Rapid MRI in the Pediatric Emergency Department
Mital Patel, MD
Session Title: Nephrology: Growth/Nutrition/Obesity/Electrolytes
Title: Fragility Fractures in an Adolescent Male with Hyponatremia Induced Osteopenia
Alison J. Culyba, MD, PhD
Session Title: Epidemiology: Social and Behavioral Contexts
Title: Physical Environmental Contexts and Violence Perpetration Among Male Adolescents in Pittsburgh, PA
Rida Javaid, MD
Session Title: Endocrinology: Genetics/Syndromes 2
Title: Intestinal Ganglioneuromatosis in the Setting of NF1 and MEN2B
Anna-Elisa Heipertz, MD
Session Title: Critical Care: ECMO and Advanced Therapies
Title: AKI in Pediatric Non-Renal Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Nabiha Shahid, MD
Session Title: Endocrinology: Thyroid 1
Title: Thyroid Function Studies in Patient with Turner Syndrome: An Unusual Explanation
Christine March, MD
Session Title: Endocrinology: Genetics/Syndromes 1
Title: A Novel Mutation Leading to a Classic Case of Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1A
Bianca Pinto, MD
Session Title: Endocrinology: Genetics/Syndromes 3
Title: An Infant with Hematochezia and Lipemia: A Unique Presentation of LPL Deficiency Due to Previously Undescribed LPL Gene Mutations
Nitin Kumar, MD
Session Title: Emergency Medicine: Operations 2
Title: Characteristics of Pediatric Patients with Frequent Use of Emergency Department Services
Sunday, April 28
Toby Debra Yanowitz, MD
Session Title: Quality Improvement: Improving Neonatal Intensive Care
Title: A QI Journey to Standardize Refeeding after Treatment for Medical NEC Across a Large Health System
Abeer Azzuqa, MD
Session Title: Quality Improvement: Improving Neonatal Intensive Care
Title: A QI Journey to Standardize Antibiotic Treatment of Medical NEC Across a Large Health System.
Srinivasan Suresh, MD, MBA, FAAP
Session Title: Objective Measurement of Hyperactivity Using Sensors and Machine Learning
Title: Social Media & Technology
Desiree Neville, MD
Session Title: Emergency Medicine: Infectious Diseases - Potpourri
Title: The Clinical Impact of An Electrocardiogram in Children Undergoing Evaluation for Lyme Disease in the Emergency Department
Sriram Ramgopal, MD
Session Title: Emergency Medicine: Infectious Diseases - Fever
Title: Serious Bacterial Infection in Neonates with Euthermia During Hospitalization
Session Title: Critical Care: Respiratory Illness
Title: Association Between Hyperoxia and Mortality in Patients Admitted to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Jennifer Johnson, DO
Session Title: Neonatal Cardiac Physiology/Pathophysiology 2
Title: Analysis of Placental Pathology in Patients with Fetal Hypoplastic Left Ventricle
Kristen Bennett, MD
Session Title: Gastroenterology/Hepatology 2
Title: Food Insecurity in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic: A Single Center Experience
Thomas Hagerman, MD
Session Title: Vulnerable and Underserved Populations/Health Equity & Social Justice I
Title: Distribution and Impact of Parent-Reported Bullying Among Children with Disabilities
Lauren Goldberg, MD
Session Title: Obesity & Disordered Eating: Clinical Prevention and Weight Management Programs
Title: The Sugar Show: A Pediatric Resident-led Obesity Prevention Program for Elementary School Students
Kumaravel Rajakumar, MD, MS
Session Title: Obesity & Disordered Eating: Treatment of Child and Adolescent Obesity and Associated Co-Morbidities
Title: Randomized Trial of Vitamin D and Vascular Health in Overweight and Obese Children: Primary Findings
Justin Yu, MD
Session Title: Children with Special Health Care Needs: Outcomes
Title: Identification of Children with Medical Complexity from the Combined 2016-17 National Survey of Children’s Health Dataset
Session Title: Children with Special Health Care Needs: Systems of Care and Costs
Title: Children with Medical Complexity are the Least Likely of All Children to Receive Care in a Well-Functioning Health Care System
Margot Miranda-Katz
Session Title: Infectious Diseases: Respiratory Infections 1
Title: HLA-B7-Restricted Human Metapneumovirus Epitopes Enhance Viral Clearance in Mice and are Recognized by Human T Cells
Anne-Marie Rick, MD
Session Title: Neonatal Infectious Diseases/Immunology: Bacterial Infections and Sepsis 2
Title: Validation of Triple I: Sensitivity and Specificity for Identification of Neonatal Sepsis
Onome Oghifobibi, MD
Session Title: Emergency Medicine II
Title: Epinephrine Produces Brisk Cerebral Reperfusion and Worsens Neurological Outcome in Experimental Pediatric Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest
Monday, April 29
Colin Sox, MD
Session Title: Medical Education: Burnout/Wellness
Title: Burnout and Empathy During the First Quarter of Pediatric Internship.
Omar Afandi, MD
Session Title: Emergency Medicine: Toxicology & Transport
Title: Rates of Testing and Factors Associated with Positive Alcohol and Drug Screens in Pediatric Trauma
Abeer Azzuqa, MD
Session Title: Health System Innovations (Telemedicine−EHR) 2
Title: Tele-NICU Brings Neonatology Expertise and Neonatal Care to the Community Hospitals.
Srinivasan Suresh, MD, MBA, FAAP
Session Title: Emergency Medicine: Quality Improvement 4
Title: Improving Quality Metrics, Enhancing Patient Flow, and Decreasing Controllable Costs Through Clinical Pathway Implementation
Justin Yu, MD
Session Title: Children with Special Health Care Needs: Family Perspectives Posters
Title: Family Experiences of Care Coordination Prior to Treatment at a Complex Care Center
Thomas Hagerman, MD
Session Title: Health Services Research: Mental Health
Title: The Importance of an Emotional Support for Mothers and Fathers of Children in the United States - Findings from a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey
Annual Cocktail Reception at PAS
Additionally, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh will host a cocktail reception at PAS during the evening of Saturday, April 27, at the Hilton Baltimore. For more information about the event and to RSVP, please click here.