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UPMC Children’s Cardiology Researcher Named to NIH Study Section

June 9, 2021

Pediatric cardiologist and Heart Institute at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh researcher Bernhard Kühn, MD, was appointed to serve on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Basic Biology of Blood, Heart, and Vasculature Study Section (BBBHV). Dr. Kühn’s tenure as a member of the BBBHV Study Section runs from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2027.

NIH Study Sections review grant applications submitted to the NIH, make recommendations on the applications to the appropriate NIH national advisory council or board and survey the status of research in their fields of science. The Basic Biology of Blood, Heart, and Vasculature Study Section reviews grant applications that are focused on the basic molecular and cellular mechanisms and physiology of blood, heart, and vascular cells and tissues in normal and pathologic conditions. Grant applications to the NIH BBBHV typically focus on tissues, cells, and experimental organisms.

More About Dr. Kühn

Bernhard Kuhn, MDDr. Kühn is an associate professor of pediatrics and cell biology, director of cardiology research at UPMC Children’s, and the director of the Pediatric Institute for Heart Regeneration and Therapeutics. Dr. Kühn also is an associate director of the Richard King Mellon Foundation Institute for Pediatric Research at UPMC Children's and an investigator at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Kühn is an internationally-respected researcher whose focus is devoted to understanding the basic mechanisms of myocardial growth and regeneration and developing approaches to induce cardiomyocyte proliferation to translate this work into novel methods for treating congenital cardiac lesions and heart failure.

Recently Published Research From Dr. Kühn Includes:

Yester JW, Liu H, Gyngard F, Ammanamanchi N, Little KC, Thomas D, Sullivan MLG, Lal S, Steinhauser ML, Kühn B. Use of Stable Isotope-Tagged Thymidine and Multi-Isotope Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MIMS) for Quantification of Human Cardiomyocyte Division. Nat Protoc. 2021 Apr; 16(4):1 995-2022. 

Liu H, Bersell K, Kühn B. Isolation and Characterization of Intact Cardiomyocytes From Frozen and Fresh Human Myocardium and Mouse Hearts. Methods Mol Biol. 2021; 2158: 199-210.  

Han L, Mich-Basso J, Kühn B. Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Differentiation Into Cardiomyocytes. Methods Mol Biol. 2021; 2158: 125-139. 

Han L, Choudhury S, Mich-Basso JD, Ammanamanchi N, Ganapathy B, Suresh S, Khaladkar M, Singh J, Maehr R, Zuppo DA, Kim J, Eberwine JH, Wyman SK, Wu YL, Kühn B. Lamin B2 Levels Regulate Polyploidization of Cardiomyocyte Nuclei and Myocardial Regeneration. Dev Cell. 2020 Apr 6; 53(1): 42-59.e11. 

Liu H, Zhang CH, Ammanamanchi N, Suresh S, Lewarchik C, Rao K, Uys GM, Han L, Abrial M, Yimlamai D, Ganapathy B, Guillermier C, Chen N, Khaladkar M, Spaethling J, Eberwine JH, Kim J, Walsh S, Choudhury S, Little K, Francis K, Sharma M, Viegas M, Bais A, Kostka D, Ding J, Bar-Joseph Z, Wu Y, Yechoor V, Moulik M, Johnson J, Weinberg J, Reyes-Múgica M, Steinhauser ML, Kühn B. Control of Cytokinesis by Β-Adrenergic Receptors Indicates An Approach for Regulating Cardiomyocyte Endowment. Sci Transl Med. 2019 Oct 9; 11(513): eaaw6419.