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Beibei Bill Chen PhD
  • Beibei Bill Chen, PhD

    Associate Professor of Medicine Director, Small Molecule Therapeutic Center Co-Director, Acute Lung Injury Center of Excellence

Beibei Bill Chen, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine Director, Small Molecule Therapeutic Center Co-Director, Acute Lung Injury Center of Excellence


UPMC Montefiore Hospital, NW628
3459 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

BS, Chemistry, Wuhan University, 2003
PhD, Biochemistry, University of Iowa, 2008

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Iowa, 2009

Research Interest
Dr. Chen’s primary research interest includes the study of the molecular mechanisms that control inflammation and cell proliferation via protein ubiquitination. Specifically, over the last four years, He have successfully identified and characterized over 10 novel ubiquitin E3 ligases. These works have been published in top-tier journals related to protein ubiquitination—including Nature Immunology, Nature Medicine, Cell Reports and Science Translational Medicine, Journal of Experimental Medicine. His second area of research interest is small molecule drug design. In the past two years, he has submitted 10 provisional patents related to novel anti-inflammatory/cancer compounds. In addition, he have successfully designed and synthesized a novel series of first-in-class small molecule FBXO3 protein inhibitors. One of his lead compounds, BC-1261, has passed preclinical PK/toxicity studies and was discussed at an FDA pre-IND meeting in May 2015. This compound is currently on track to a Phase I trial in August 2017. Recently, he has also designed a novel series of potent, selective PDE4, HECTD2, StamBP, Fbxo7, Fbxo48, FIEL1, DCN1 inhibitors that exhibit excellent activities in vivo. His long-term goal is to develop a new class of therapeutics that combat caner and inflammatory diseases by focusing on novel mechanisms.Z