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Grace Campbell PhD MSW RN CNL CRRN
  • Grace Campbell, PhD, MSW, RN, CNL, CRRN

    Assistant Professor of Acute & Tertiary Care

Grace Campbell, PhD, MSW, RN, CNL, CRRN

Assistant Professor of Acute & Tertiary Care


My research interest involves assessing the impact of chronic disorders on  physical function and developing behavioral interventions to improve physical function.  Specifically, I am interested in fall risk and fall prevention in chronically ill populations including stroke and cancer.  I am currently conducting a longitudinal study exploring the development and progression of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy and its related functional impairments in women with ovarian cancer funded by the Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation .  I am also interested in using novel technologies to measure physical function in naturalistic settings, for which I received an Oncology Nursing Society Career Development Award.