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48th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society

October 4, 2019

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Child Neurology Society (CNS) will be held from October 23-26, 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina. 

The CNS Annual Meeting brings together child neurologists and professionals in other fields of study related to neurologic and neurodevelopment disorders in children and adolescents, including a series of presenters from UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. 

Aram Kim
Spontaneous Third Ventriculostomy in Krabbe Disease
Mentor: Dr. Maria Escolar

Bassam Albashiti
Acute Flaccid Myelitis at a Tertiary Care Institution in Western Pennsylvania
Mentor: Dr. Kavita Thakkar

Chelsey Bayer Ortman
When EEG is Not Enough: Catching Intracranial Hemorrhage in Infants with Spells using the Pittsburgh Infant Brain Injury Score
Mentors: Drs. Yoshimi Sogawa, Miya Asato, and Rachel Berger

Register for the CNS Annual Meeting and see the full program schedule and list of presenters.